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HR Consulting Business

OS Selnajaya’s HR Consulting offers optimal solutions to Customer’s problems related to HR/Industrial relations based on local labor laws or other companies’ cases.

Industrial Relations’ Consulting

In OS Selnajaya, we are correspond to Customer’s problems related to HR/Industrial relations in various languages, such as Indonesian, Japanese, and English. We may receive any general inquiry related to labor laws or how Japanese companies must act, and give a reply to our customers at free of charge without making a monthly consultation agreement. When the inquiry turns out to be a specific issue for consultation, we will give our company’s proposal in resolution and quotation after confirming the current situation at the first meeting. Our company has much experience in negotiating with the Ministry of Labor/Department of Labor or Labor Union and also has good records in assisting many Japanese companies. In addition, we have a partnership with lawyers who are active in many fields and we are able to offer legal opinions of those Indonesian lawyers.

  • The first meeting and general consultation are free of charge
  • Great store of experiences in negotiation with the Ministry of Labor/Department of Labor and Labor Union
  • Many clients of Japanese companies
  • Connection with Indonesian external-partnership lawyers
Flow of service usage

Quotation offer and conclusions of confidentiality agreement

Proposal of resolutions

Provision of our service

Company Regulations

Based on Labor Laws Number 13/2003, Company Regulations is defined as a set of rules and regulations made in writing by an employer that specifies work requirement and the company’s discipline and rule of conduct.
In Indonesia, companies with 10 or more employees are obliged to have Company Regulations, but it is wise to have it even if the company has less than 10 employees in order to prevent unnecessary troubles with employees and also for Japanese person-in-charge to understand the local labor law. This Company Regulations must comply with the local labor laws and be made in Indonesian language.
Therefore, our company offers to make translation into Japanese or English printed side by side with Indonesian original text in accordance with customer’s request.
The validity of Company Regulation is 2 years from the date of obtaining approval from the Ministry of Labor/relevant Department of Labor.

  • Companies with 10 or more employees are obliged to have Company Regulations
  • It must comply with local labor laws
  • It must be written in Indonesian language
  • It must be approved by the Ministry of Labor/relevant Department of Labor
  • It valids for 2 years since the date of approval
  • A company which a labor union exists must have a Collective Labor Agreement (C.L.A.) instead of Company Regulations
Flow of service usage
Meeting + Quotation offer

Sending confirmation sheet & entry

Draft preparation of Company Regulations + Check the draft together with Customer

Revision of the draft + Confirmation by Customer

Completion of the final draft

Preparation for submitting documents to Ministry of Labor/relevant Department of Labor

Application & Acquisition of approval

Employment Agreement

Based on Labor Laws Number 13/2003, Employment Agreement is defined as an agreement made between an employee and an employer that specifies work requirements, rights and obligations of the parties.
Once the employment is decided, Company prepares the Employment Agreement before the employment date and shall be signed by both parties. It is important to know that the employment term can be changed automatically to permanent staff if without this Employment Agreement.
The Employment Agreement as same as Company Regulations must comply with local labor laws/regulations and be written in Indonesian language. Our company offers to help not only making the Employment Agreement that complies with labor laws/regulations but also making translation printed side by side with the original text.

  • Things to be completed before the employment date
  • Compliance with local labor laws/regulations
  • Making out in Indonesian language
Flow of service usage
Meeting + Quotation offer

Sending of confirmation sheet & entry

Draft preparation of Employment Agreement + Confirmation by Customer

Revision of the draft + Confirmation by Customer

Completion of the final draft

HR Evaluation System

HR Evaluation System is a system to raise the motivation of employees in their work or improvement by evaluating the competence/performance of employees fairly as well as objectively and determining their wages or treatment.
In Indonesia, the minimum wage is drastically increased almost every year and it is burdened by strong pressure by the labor union. Quite a few companies have difficulty as the amount of employees’ salaries in staff and managerial level have become too high. Creating HR Evaluation System within the company can prevent ad hoc salary raise and enables Customer not only to evaluate fairly the competence and achievement of employees but also to make use of it to negotiate with employees or labour union. Furthermore, if HR Evaluation System functions, it can reduce employees who have bad working attitude in the middle to long term which leads the company to realize a better environment where employees who contribute to the company are able to work comfortably.

Related services

  • “Job Description”
    Document that defines the work contents, promotion requirement and responsibility according to employees’ position
  • ”Payroll”
    A table to determine the salary amount according to the employees’ grading
Flow of service usage
Meeting + Quotation offer

Collection of data + Interview employees

Draft sending of HR Evaluation System

Revision of the draft + Confirmation by Customer

Completion of the final draft

Payroll Service

Payroll Service is a service to conduct payroll work of Customer at our side in order for Customer to focus on more productive work.
After our company receives Customer’s employee data and attendance record, we make not only calculation of monthly salary, income tax, social insurance, print out the salary statements but also a report based on the data of employees’ late arrival, overtime and annual paid leave status that can satisfy Customers’ needs. In addition, we are able to quickly respond and give guidance to the change of legal provisions related to salary, income tax and social insurance. Please feel free to contact us as we can serve regardless of number of employees.

  • Calculation of monthly salary, income tax, social insurance
  • Print out salary statements
  • Management of late arrival, overtime and annual paid leaves
  • Quick response to the change of legal provisions
  • Reporting BPJS Manpower and Health (social security)
  • Reporting Income Tax (PPh 21)
  • Other payment service related to payroll, is also available

Assessment / Psychological Test

Assessment / Psychological Test is a tool to enhance the recruitment accuracy to select a person who fits the position in needs and assignment.
Recruitment is a difficult issue. It is a common story that a person who had newly been employed resigned soon because his/her aptitude didn’t fit the position or didn’t get on well with existing employees. You may easily imagine how difficult it is to conduct recruitment outside Japan, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, we offer Customer the Aptitude Test by our Indonesian expert who is qualified in psychology in order to enable Customer to enhance the recruitment accuracy and employ a person who has high aptitude for the position. It helps you to use it as a judgement tool if done before the employment, or as a reference to decide how to utilize him/her internally if done after the employment. In addition to that, it can be used at the time of promotion for the purpose to judge if he/she has the appropriate qualification or competence to be promoted to the position.

  • Analysis by an Indonesian expert
  • Possible to conduct starting from 1 person
  • Possible to make Japanese translation printed side by side with original text
Flow of service usage
Quotation offer + Signature

Coordination of a date to conduct Aptitude Test

Implementation of Aptitude Test

Sending the result


Training is the arrangement and implementation of education or training in accordance with Customer’s requirement.
Human resource development is a task of every company. It is said that the recruitment of competent employees is difficult especially in Indonesia, and quite a few companies want to develop human resources by themselves in their company. It also raises employees’ working motivation to conduct regular trainings. We listen to Customer’s requests, arrange the best lecturers and propose trainings that the result can be sensed.

Example of major seminars ever conducted
  • Leadership Training
  • Japanese Business Manner
  • Job Hunting Assistance Seminar
  • Entrepreneur Seminar
Flow of service usage

Quotation offer + Signature

Coordination of a date to conduct a training

Implementation of training

Our Services

General Inquiries



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Menara Astra, 55th Floor,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 5-6, Jakarta, 10220   MAP



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Group’s Companies (other countries)